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Get started without writing any code.

We've created a number of templates to make it easer to get started building on Tableland. Each template is a GitHub repository that you can clone and use as a starting point for your project. All of these have both a JavaScript and TypeScript variation to make sure you can get started with your preferred language!


You can check out all of the templates below on GitHub by searching the Tableland org for "templates" or by clicking the links below. If you'd like to get started, copy the link the the repo section and clone the repo—for example:

git clone

All of these have Tableland dependencies and tests built-in, so it should make it a lot easier to get started. For example, many include the usage of Local Tableland and startup scripts like npm run up or mocha tests—hopefully, this lets you get off the ground running!

hardhat-js-tableland-templaterepoHardhat JavaScript starter with the Tableland SDK, Local Tableland, and Hardhat plugin.
hardhat-ts-tableland-templaterepoHardhat TypeScript starter with the Tableland SDK, Local Tableland, and Hardhat plugin.
react-js-tableland-templaterepoA JavaScript template for @tableland + React + wagmi + Rainbowkit projects, scaffolded with Vite.
react-ts-tableland-templaterepoA TypeScript template for @tableland + React + wagmi + Rainbowkit projects, scaffolded with Vite.
next-js-tableland-templaterepoA TypeScript template for @tableland + NextJS + wagmi + Rainbowkit projects, scaffolded with Vite.
next-ts-tableland-templaterepoA TypeScript template for @tableland + NextJS + wagmi + Rainbowkit projects, scaffolded with Vite.
js-templaterepoVanilla Node JavaScript project with the SDK and Local Tableland.
ts-templaterepoVanilla Node TypeScript project with the SDK and Local Tableland.

Check out each of the READMEs for more details on how to use each template.